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Young Professionals

The goal of the CID Young Professionals is to raise awareness and support for CID in order to help fulfill its mission to teach children who are deaf and hard of hearing to listen, talk, read and succeed. The Young Professionals organization also hosts CID’s annual Trivia Night.

Who are the CID Young Professionals?
The CID Young Professionals are emerging leaders in the St. Louis business community. As members, these individuals help raise awareness and support for CID. In turn, CID provides the opportunity for them to develop their philanthropic vision, to connect with people and a cause that has a personal resonance for them.

As a member, we ask that you:
• Commit to a minimum one-year membership
• Consider becoming a CID Sustainer (automatic recurring gift as little as $5/month)
• Attend CID Young Professionals meetings
• Support CID events, particularly the annual Young Professionals-hosted Trivia Night through planning, attendance, raffle/auction donations and individual/corporate sponsorships
• Understand CID’s mission and be a goodwill ambassador for the organization
• Introduce other young professionals in the community to CID

Benefits include:
• Opportunities to participate in events that allow you to connect with groups of CID students such as taking a personal tour of the school
• Attend graduation ceremonies
• School activities like the science fair and literacy fair
• After-school tennis program
• Attend holiday programs
• Use discretionary funds of the Young Professionals to acquire items needed for the school and students.
• Networking opportunities among the Young Professionals organization, as well as with the CID board of directors.

Questions? Please contact Lesley Heine.