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Our pre-k program has a dual focus: (1) listening, language and speech curricula and (2) a whole-child developmental curriculum, including strong emphases on play-based learning and early literacy. We use a series of functional assessments collecting data and monitoring progress for each of the expected areas of delay for a child with hearing loss learning to listen and talk, including:

In addition to the developmental areas of expected delay as a result of hearing loss, we monitor all developmental areas when considering the whole child. Our curriculum is based on the CID Preschool Developmental Rating Forms  (for children ages 3, 4 and 5)which allow for collecting data and monitoring progress in six non-communicative domains: fine motor, gross motor, cognition, social and emotional, pre-academic and early literacy. The skills listed are pulled from a variety of sources — all based on the developmentally appropriate practices set out by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).